Monday, June 24, 2013

Cisco's TechWise TV - IPv6: Is it time?

Alain Fiocco and Kumar Reddy do a great IPv6 show with TechWise TV that you should check out. It is Cisco specific but it is still a great resource to watch and learn about what Cisco is doing around IPv6.

Both Alain and Kumar presented at the North American IPv6 Summit in Denver, CO in May 2013. You can check out their presentations at:

Alain has some great information around global IPv6 adoption and you can get more information at Cisco IPv6 Lab Stats page at:

Kumar gives so awesome insights into what Cisco has done to tune their wireless solutions to work well with IPv6 clients.

It turns out they are both on Twitter too so follow them:

Also, Cisco's IPv6 Lab is providing the stats via a wiget plugin too which looks like:

Cisco 6lab IPv6 stats widget
You can get the widget code at:

- Ed

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