Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Microsoft Azure finally supports IPv6

I have been waiting a long time for this to happen. Microsoft announced at Ignite 2016 in Atlanta the general availability of IPv6 (technically dual-stack) support for Azure VMs. It isn't available in all regions but the list of supported regions is really large which is a great sign. You can see the announcement at

I need to jump in and do some quick labs and testing next week to play with things but I am hopeful this will allow me to test some more complex IPv6 scenarios and run some labs too. I will update once I have a better idea of how it all looks.

With Amazon AWS adding IPv6 support for S3 and likely adding more IPv6 support for other services in November at re:Invent I think 2016 is shaping up to be the hyper growth year for IPv6... finally.
- Ed