It took me forever to get this course written and recorded (sorry Don) but it is finally available up on the Pluralsight website. Many thanks to Myles Wilson for staying with me through the whole journey as my editor and to Andy Newman for thinking I was worthy of producing some content for Pluralsight (technically he was chasing me to do this since the Trainsignal days). Last but far from least is a tip of the hat and thanks to Steve Evans who first put my name in to Andy. Thanks to Steve my wife is now asking me daily why I haven't put out more content up on Pluralsight.
If you have feedback about the course don't be shy. I can do updates, revisions or fixes so let me know. Remember, this course is an introduction or beginner level course. So all my friends who are IPv6 experts, keep that in mind! You can reach out via twitter to let me know or leave a comment below.
- Ed