Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cisco ASA - AnyConnect for iPhone released

Cisco announced the general release of the Cisco AnyConnect client for the iPhone. While I think it is cool that Cisco has released this finally I am a bit flabbergasted at the licensing they are doing on the ASA - yet again. Not only do you need AnyConnect Essentials or Premium license but it will require the AnyConnect for Mobile license also. I still don't understand why Cisco feels the need to do this and it is frustrating when trying to sell the ASA platform to have to address each one of the licensing requirements for features that many expect from the base AnyConnect Essentials license. It makes you want to stick with the inbuilt IPSec client solutions regardless of the feature enhancements.

If you do a show version on your ASA you can see what your current license status is, the output should look like:
ASA#show version
Licensed features for this platform:
Maximum Physical Interfaces    : Unlimited
Maximum VLANs                  : 50
Inside Hosts                   : Unlimited
Failover                       : Disabled
VPN-DES                        : Enabled
VPN-3DES-AES                   : Enabled
Security Contexts              : 0
GTP/GPRS                       : Disabled
SSL VPN Peers                  : 2
Total VPN Peers                : 250
Shared License                 : Disabled
AnyConnect for Mobile          : Disabled
AnyConnect for Cisco VPN Phone : Disabled
AnyConnect Essentials          : Disabled
Advanced Endpoint Assessment   : Disabled
UC Phone Proxy Sessions        : 2
Total UC Proxy Sessions        : 2
Botnet Traffic Filter          : Disabled

So note that you will need the AnyConnect Essentials or AnyConnect Premium (SSL VPN Peers) license plus the AnyConnect for Mobile to have a working solution. Some product overview information is available here, the link might require CCO logon access.
- Ed


Abner said...

Huh. I didn't realize their license scheme for Anyconnect was so complex. Thanks for the heads up!

Anonymous said...

The licensing for Anyconnect essentials and mobile is next to nothing in terms of cost. My intuition is that they're doing it namely from a tracking perspective. Ex. It allows them to tell Gartner how many SSL seats customers are adopting.