Thursday, September 08, 2005

Public Traceroute, Looking Glasses and Route-Servers

OK, occassionally I need to perform traceroutes from locations other then our core BGP routers. Mainly for Europe, Latin America and Asia. There are a great listing of available servers at

Also, if you are looking for the route-server listings then hit BGP4.NET Wiki - Tools:IPv4 Route-Servers for some route-servers you can use to check BGP routes. A short list of ones I have used: (this one gets a ton of traffic so it can be tough to get in) or (goes to the same route-server) (this one gets a ton of traffic so it can be tough to get in)

They are mainly for North America so if you need something in Europe or Asia hit the list above and you should be able to find something you can use.

As for looking glasses you can get a listing at BGP4.NET Wiki - Tools:IPv4 Looking Glasses which should give you a good enough start.
- Ed

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