Saturday, April 05, 2014

Post Interop Las Vegas - IPv6 update

Thanks to everyone who attended my IPv6 presentation at Interop. I was pleased with the number of attendees who chose to participate in my session especially being the last timeslot of the day. Many who attended wanted the slides so I am making them available via slideshare. You can also download the PDF from the Interop website (attendees only - requires username and password)

If you have more questions please reach out to me via twitter or by email (My name at and I will do my best to answer any questions around the presentation and about IPv6.
 - Ed

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ed, thanks for the great session!
    You've convinced us that the sky really is falling this time.

    The other engineer from my company and I are frantically reading through your book and IPv6 Fundamentals from Cisco Press. At the same time we're developing training for the helpdesk, sys admins, app developers and other technical people based on your slideshow and those two books.

    Thanks again!
    -Ian Adams
