Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cisco ASA 8.3 code - read the release notes!

Cisco released version 8.3(1) for the ASA on March 8th. The release notes have some interesting items. Specifically I think the important ones are outlined below and are quoted from the release notes or related documents.

Before you just upload 8.3(1) READ THE MIGRATION GUIDE!! They have made some BIG changes in how NAT and PAT work. The new code will convert your configuration, you have been warned! Save your work prior to the upgrade. Let me repeat that, save it someplace other than the ASA so you have a clean copy prior to the migration.

From the migration document:
"The major changes in Version 8.3 that require migration are:

Real IP addresses in access lists, where access lists are used in supported features—When using NAT or PAT, you used to have to specify the mapped addresses and ports in an access list for all features that use access lists. Now, for several supported features, you must use the real, untranslated IP address and ports. (Other features continue to use the mapped IP address).

NAT—The NAT feature has been redesigned for increased flexibility and functionality. All NAT and NAT-related commands have been redesigned.

Named Network and Service Objects—Network and service objects are automatically created and used for several features, including NAT and access lists that are used for access rules. "

If you have existing static entries in your ASA configuration, and I would guess most folks do, if you are allowing any inbound services then get ready for a migration. The static statements stay the same but the ACL and object-groups change! The important things is to figure out what NAT configuration you match and how it will look after the migration. The migration guide has a table that outlines this for you. Read the migration guide to make sure you understand how your configuration is going to change, this is not a minor change!

Also, in the release notes:
"To run Version 8.3 in a production environment, you need to upgrade the memory on the Cisco ASA 5505, 5510, 5520, or 5540"

The memory requirements are outlined in the doc, needless to say this is not a minor release as they are requiring a pretty big memory uplift even for the smallest of the ASA's. Make sure you order the memory upgrade kits if you plan to run the 8.3x version code at all.

"You can now create named network objects that you can use in place of a host, a subnet, or a range of IP addresses in your configuration and named service objects that you can use in place of a protocol and port in your configuration. You can then change the object definition in one place, without having to change any other part of your configuration. This release introduces support for network and service objects in the following features:


Access lists

Network object groups

The following commands were introduced or modified: object network, object service, show running-config object, clear configure object, access-list extended, object-group network."

The change to allow the use of objects is actually a good thing but it is going to take awhile before people are used to using it in NAT statements for instance. I am actually excited about this one as it will make life much easier for those that plan out their network and resources well. It also allows for much easier change control and scripting to get hosts in and out of rules on the firewall.

"Displays the timestamp, along with the hash value and hit count, for a specified access list. The following command was modified: show access-list. "

For those of us who spend a lot of time looking at access-list hit counts having the timestamp and hash value is a huge plus. It is the simple things. Now if only they would allow multiple | and grep commands.

There are some items about licensing that are worth noting and if you are doing UC they have made changes to improve UC-IME. There is plenty to read up on, definitely a lot to keep up on.
- Ed

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